Julia Grace McCammon is a gifted natural healer and promoter of Life Force science who is dedicated to improving lives. She is a carrier of the light of consciousness and is here to accelerate the progress of humans on their path of self-discovery and higher consciousness.
Julia Grace has the ability to harness Life Force Energy / Biofield Energy / God’s Grace / Divine Energy and transmit it anywhere in the world through her thought intention, boosting the potential of everyone and everything infused with this intelligent energy of consciousness. It benefits recipients according to their personal needs.
As a highly sensitive child Julia could feel and sense striking information about people and her surroundings. She knew it was her destiny to care for others. Julia’s next level of awareness arrived while raising her young children. When either child was injured, she would instinctively hold her hand on the area and in seconds her daughter or son would go from screaming to silent and fine. A mother’s instinct brought forward an energy healing response, and these experiences created a thirst for even greater knowledge in energy healing methods/modalities.
Over time Julia became certified in Yuen Method, Matrix Energetics, Medical Intuitive and Reiki. She also studied Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Terminology to learn more about the physical body and its functions, the language used to describe the human body, and its components, conditions, processes and procedures. Julia learned Master Energy Dynamics, Master Harmonic Resonance Technology, Garcia Innergetics, German New Medicine, BodyTalk, Munay-Ki, Energetic Transformation and more. Yet with every training and method, she always felt that something was missing.
Then in April 2011, Julia Grace heard Guruji Mahendra Trivedi speak on a live webcast and received her first remote Divine Energy Blessing / Prayer from Him. It was a powerful experience that brought her deep restorative sleep and a new level of calmness. She immediately wanted more of this profound Divine connection, which she had never experienced with any of her past studies or training. This was the missing piece.
Since then, Julia Grace has received Blessings / Prayers from Guruji to continue her own personal transformation and further develop her natural gift of harnessing and transmitting Life Force energy.

People from all walks of life have benefitted from Julia Grace’s care, enthusiasm and perseverance for the best outcomes through her sessions and Life Force energy healings – her clients have included chiropractors, coaches, college and university professors, engineers, family physicians, family therapists, fitness trainers, health care industry workers, lawyers, massage therapists, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, business professionals, psychologists, teachers, social workers, craniosacral therapists, and practitioners of acupuncture, Ayurveda, BodyTalk, German New Medicine, Harmonic Resonance Technology, Healing Touch, Matrix Energetics, Qigong, Quantum Touch, Reflexology, Tai Chi, traditional Chinese medicine, Yuen Method, as well as mediums, meditation teachers, Reiki masters and yoga instructors. Nature’s wisdom flows as Julia Grace intuitively observes & assesses people’s life situations.
Julia Grace’s clients frequently express transformative improvements to their quality of life. Many observe higher awareness, calmness, compassion, contentment, confidence, empathy, enthusiasm, focus, gratitude, happiness, inspiration, life purpose, motivation, peace, perception, pleasure, love of life, and strength, as well as deeper relationships and spiritual awakenings.
DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary. Julia Grace McCammon does not claim that any of the experiences noted above is typical or representative of what any other client might experience. No health claims are being made, Julia Grace McCammon does not guarantee any outcomes.
Working summers at her father’s hardware store, taught the value of having the right tools for any job. Tools may show up during Private sessions but the true power comes from Life Force energy.
Julia Grace has no religious affiliation and suggests everyone follow their own beliefs, inner guidance and spirituality.
North Hatley is the small town where Julia grew up in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. At age 17 she had skipped Grade 4, graduated high school and completed a 2-year Finance & Administration College program in 12 months. Julia immediately began supporting herself, working full-time in downtown Montreal, Quebec and later Toronto, Ontario.
Ceramics/pottery was a creative stage in her life, attending Sheridan College in Ontario, Canada. Julia earned a 3-year Applied Arts diploma in Crafts and Design – Ceramics Studio.
As their two children arrived, she partnered with her husband and created David McCammon Photography at https://DavidMcPhoto.com. Several photographs on this website are by David McCammon, an exceptional professional photographer and Julia’s husband for over 47 years!
Julia Grace McCammon is a natural-born healer dedicated to finding solutions and enhancing lives. She has demonstrated her gift to harness and transmit intelligent Life Force energy globally. Julia’s healing ability has been documented in cell-based and mouse model preclinical research published in international, peer-reviewed science journals. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, Julia is devoted to healing and supporting others to achieve results.