Valentine’s Day has come and gone for another year. It’s a fun occasion allowing us to share our love with the people we care about. Maybe we should consider feeling and sharing this love throughout the year, not just on February 14th.
It is important for each of us to know we are loved
It brings joy and happiness for the sharing. For others it can make the difference between living and dying, just knowing there is someone who loves them unconditionally.
All the candy, cards and flowers are fun, but it’s the loving gestures and feelings shared that make us all light up with love!
Keep your heart open
Show your feelings, love your partner, children, relatives, friends and especially yourself!
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Julia Grace McCammon is a natural-born healer dedicated to finding solutions and enhancing lives. She has demonstrated her gift to harness and transmit intelligent Life Force energy globally. Julia’s healing ability has been documented in cell-based and mouse model preclinical research published in international, peer-reviewed science journals. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, Julia is devoted to healing and supporting others to achieve results.