A while ago during a telephone session, a wise client said
This type of work is holistic healing. It is not a matter of ordering 500 mg of energy to be applied to a specific spot.
This comment makes so much sense as I encounter clients who believe they can control every aspect of their life.
Holistic healing energy, Life force energy, Biofield energy healing, energy of consciousness, whatever name you choose, is beyond our little mind’s control. This intelligent healing energy knows where we need it most and the best order for our body to receive such powerful energy boosting.
Are you looking to order up and get exactly what you want?
This is not fast food or an instant app.
You can’t order 500 ml of energy and have it sent to a certain location in your body.
We are human beings with complex lives involving choices we have made in the past and how we want to stand in the future.
Each day is relevant, do we want to breathe or gasp?
Are we able to walk a new path or do we run away from changes and new experiences? Over and over I witness impressive results for people ready to jump and move forward.
Receive new vital energy and information as you step up to change and grow!
Transformation isn’t easy, it can be super challenging some days. BUT when you have those magical moments of realizing just how far you have come, there’s no going back!!
Are you ready? Shop Services
The information provided on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice.
Julia Grace McCammon is a natural-born healer dedicated to finding solutions and enhancing lives. She has demonstrated her gift to harness and transmit intelligent Life Force energy globally. Julia’s healing ability has been documented in cell-based and mouse model preclinical research published in international, peer-reviewed science journals. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, Julia is devoted to healing and supporting others to achieve results.