It all started with a chocolate cake…
I decided to make a cake for my husband’s birthday. He loves chocolate so I began looking at recipes. I have old ones but this time felt pushed to find a match with my mother’s recipe from the past.
You see my mother was an awesome cook and she loved to bake! In summer she’d do extra baking and sell it at my Dad’s hardware store to local and summer folk in our small town.
The tricky part with Mom’s recipes was that most were in her head. So when you asked for a recipe she’d list off the ingredients as “about a cup of this and a couple of spoonfuls of that…”. I was often left wondering if she was talking teaspoons or tablespoons and what part of a cup, etc.
Mom’s verbal recipes just never turned out as well as when she prepared them.
You had to be in the kitchen and watch her do her magic! That is where I was blessed to witness and experience my mother’s gifts with food. She was caring and generous, providing food for every sick or stray relative in the area as well as her husband and five children.
Mom must have baked 100’s of chocolate cakes over the years and we all loved them! One important ingredient was always Miracle Whip. This latest recipe is pretty similar and I did use Miracle Whip but any Mayo will do!
After making and baking this Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake I felt sad and cried, missing my Mom. It made a great cake but who knew the flood of memories and emotions this simple act of baking a cake would awaken.
It’s OK to let our emotions flow and always feels better than stuffing them back down.
Plus it gave me a chance to remember my mother’s wonderful energy around food and the kitchen!
When people we love are no longer here, it’s good to let our hearts flow once in awhile.
Feel the love shared within those precious memories.
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The information provided on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice.
Julia Grace McCammon is a natural-born healer dedicated to finding solutions and enhancing lives. She has demonstrated her gift to harness and transmit intelligent Life Force energy globally. Julia’s healing ability has been documented in cell-based and mouse model preclinical research published in international, peer-reviewed science journals. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, Julia is devoted to healing and supporting others to achieve results.