We are taught many early truths by family, unfortunately their wisdom isn’t always best for our success.
A childhood moment that strongly affected me was my father’s words after viewing my excellent report card. “98? Why didn’t you get 100?”
These few words had great power, along with negative comments and events that chipped away at my self-confidence. Dad was repeating his experience as youngest in the family. As parents our job is not to break the spirit of our children, nor is it to fill their heads with delusions and expectations.
When we begin adult life feeling worthless and lacking confidence, how do we believe in our self and trust others?
Starting off on the wrong foot is brutal, I’ve been there. Determined to break from my father’s rule, I gave up on getting a university education. At age 17 this small-town girl was living in the big city of Montreal, working full time, renting an apartment and paying my own way. Yes, it was dangerous and bad stuff happened.
If vulnerable out of the gate, how do we cope with everyday troubles? Doubt and fear are like super glue, they keep us stuck, unable to move forward and block our growth.
I listened to everyone else and thought they knew better. Thankfully my inner guidance usually kicked in and saved me from total disaster. Scary life-threatening events were when I was distracted or upset and missed following strong intuitive clues.
Self doubt, lack of confidence and trust can create a need for control.
We think if we keep watch and control every aspect of life, we’ll be safe and do better. WRONG!! Take it from a past perfectionist who worked tirelessly at controlling every detail, always on alert for the next problem.
Doubt, fear and lack of trust give power to go in all the wrong directions, avoiding happiness.
How do we spot wonderful opportunities with doubt and fearful foggy vision? A few clients with nasty past experiences stubbornly cling to a need for control. In sessions they use up time with many questions to be answered. Progress is slow as they fight for control, keep walls up and deny access to improve. Their healing potential is wasted with resistance.
Do these questions create less stress and greater happiness?
Life Force energy has the potential to raise our consciousness and enhance the happiness and quality of life, but first we must let go!
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Julia Grace McCammon is a natural-born healer dedicated to finding solutions and enhancing lives. She has demonstrated her gift to harness and transmit intelligent Life Force energy globally. Julia’s healing ability has been documented in cell-based and mouse model preclinical research published in international, peer-reviewed science journals. Whether it’s physical, emotional or spiritual well-being, Julia is devoted to healing and supporting others to achieve results.