Finding Our Purpose In Life

Finding Our Purpose In Life

Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
Finding Purpose In Life - What am I here to do? As humans we often struggle with our purpose. As we try to figure out what our purpose in life is, we can get more tangled in our thoughts. Knowing what you are meant to do doesn’t come from our mind thinking and analyzing. Our spirit knows the answer but usually we are so disconnected we can’t hear that inner voice of knowing. When we stop constantly being in our heads, there are opportunities to listen and hear our own inner guidance system. Ever had the feeling when you just knew something was right to do? Those are moments when you are letting your spirit lead, not your mind and brain. Our mind is super useful at other times, but…
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Ordering Holistic Healing Energy for our Body and Getting what We Want

Ordering Holistic Healing Energy for our Body and Getting what We Want

Healing, Lifestyle
A while ago during a telephone session, a wise client said This type of work is holistic healing. It is not a matter of ordering 500 mg of energy to be applied to a specific spot. This comment makes so much sense as I encounter clients who believe they can control every aspect of their life. Holistic healing energy, Life force energy, Biofield energy healing, energy of consciousness, whatever name you choose, is beyond our little mind’s control. This intelligent healing energy knows where we need it most and the best order for our body to receive such powerful energy boosting. Are you looking to order up and get exactly what you want? This is not fast food or an instant app. You can’t order 500 ml of energy and…
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Answering Healing Sessions Questions

Answering Healing Sessions Questions

Healing, Relationships
New clients often ask what methods are used in sessions. Since 2004 I have studied and been certified in many healing methods and modalities. They may assist with tracking information about a situation, but are simply tools to help pinpoint weak areas and influences. No tools are ever used during Life Force energy healings. If a person puts time and effort into preparing a tasty stew, do you credit the knife used to cut the vegetables? The cook has the recipe, brings fresh ingredients and determines the best combination to produce a wonderful stew. The cook creates potential, and takes action as the stew receives energy for best outcome. As this flow of energy continues, the mixture transforms into a delicious meal! Divine guidance and Life Force energy flow within…
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Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
On a trip home from Ottawa, an experience reminded me of the importance of caring. My husband and I had stopped at a comfort station along highway 401 near Toronto. It was a busy Sunday evening with lots of traffic, so lots of people in the restaurants and bathrooms. Upon entering the washroom area, a loud sound of rushing water came roaring all the way down the long row of bathroom stalls. I couldn’t tell where the water noise was coming from but it sounded like a toilet stuck in flush mode. Maintaining our clean water supply is important, so I naturally started looking for the cause. As I walked by each stall it became clear the culprit was the end toilet. I looked in and saw gallons of water…
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