Find Inner Peace with Fall Clean Up

Find Inner Peace with Fall Clean Up

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature
When you were a child, did you ever get to dive into piles of leaves in Autumn? First of all, the leaves are raked up into a big heaping pile. Then you take a few steps back and run for it. When I was a kid it was a blast, diving through the air, landing in a huge pile of soft, dry leaves. Of course, those leaves got stuck in your hair and clothes, but it was totally worth it! As adults, we don't find it such a blast because we rake leaves to clean up the yard. Sometimes wind slows our efforts, but when we push through and finish, it feels good! Our outdoor mess is cleaned up and our home space looks tidy. Whether outdoors raking leaves or…
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Are Some People Pests In Your Life?

Are Some People Pests In Your Life?

Today’s adventure involved wandering outside to check on the tomato plants we've been growing this summer. We have been enjoying having fresh tomatoes and some cucumbers. I was out having a look and noticed some branches getting a bit black on the edges. I thought “Something's going on” and started trimming off a little bit of a few branches on one plant. I was working away trimming, no big deal, but then started to notice a few little tomatoes had been chopped in half and eaten. I got a little more suspicious. As I was going along, I reached for another branch and touched underneath. It felt weird, it felt different and felt soft and puffy. So, I bent down and looked and there was this big giant, creepy hornworm.…
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Life Memories and Mulberries

Life Memories and Mulberries

Food, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
Have you ever had the chance to go berry picking? I'm not talking about the little packages of berries you pick up at the store. I did a lot of berry picking when I was young, and it was a favourite activity. It usually also involved a chance to go out for a picnic with my mom and grandfather, Cappy Guy. My mom would prepare the meal and pack it up for the three of us. We would take off in Cappy’s little car, which he never did seem to get, to handle and how to shift it properly! So I remember bouncing around while riding in the back seat, but I loved every second of the trip. After dinner, they would sit and have coffee together and Cappy would…
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Valuable Life Lessons From A Vegetable Garden

Valuable Life Lessons From A Vegetable Garden

Food, Nature
My Mother was an amazing cook who managed to feed a family of seven very well despite her limited budget. Her large vegetable garden provided heaps of vegetables in summer and delicious pickles all year. As a child I helped prepare, plant and harvest vegetables from that garden every summer. I felt respect for Nature when my hands were in the soft prepared earth, gently placing seeds in the soil. It requires patience to carefully plant at the right depth and space, sometimes one seed at a time. Next the miracle would happen as the sun’s life force energy would awaken these tiny seeds to germinate and grow into plants. I enjoyed the view as our vegetable garden transformed from mounds of brown dirt to delicate green plants sprouting in…
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Finding Our Purpose In Life

Finding Our Purpose In Life

Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
Finding Purpose In Life - What am I here to do? As humans we often struggle with our purpose. As we try to figure out what our purpose in life is, we can get more tangled in our thoughts. Knowing what you are meant to do doesn’t come from our mind thinking and analyzing. Our spirit knows the answer but usually we are so disconnected we can’t hear that inner voice of knowing. When we stop constantly being in our heads, there are opportunities to listen and hear our own inner guidance system. Ever had the feeling when you just knew something was right to do? Those are moments when you are letting your spirit lead, not your mind and brain. Our mind is super useful at other times, but…
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Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
On a trip home from Ottawa, an experience reminded me of the importance of caring. My husband and I had stopped at a comfort station along highway 401 near Toronto. It was a busy Sunday evening with lots of traffic, so lots of people in the restaurants and bathrooms. Upon entering the washroom area, a loud sound of rushing water came roaring all the way down the long row of bathroom stalls. I couldn’t tell where the water noise was coming from but it sounded like a toilet stuck in flush mode. Maintaining our clean water supply is important, so I naturally started looking for the cause. As I walked by each stall it became clear the culprit was the end toilet. I looked in and saw gallons of water…
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3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
As we move through life it's incredible how often we are tested and struggle with trying to assist or simply letting go. The truth is we can create more problems by jumping in and trying to help out, take it from me. Especially with the folks we care about, our children, our partner, our parents, friends and clients. I was always willing to jump in and help but I have finally learned a huge lesson. You can never fix what people aren't willing to change No matter how much we desire to help another person, the choice to take action or not will always be with them. Here are three ways I determine how much a person with problems, issues or complaints really wants to improve. 1. Are they taking responsibility for their part in problems? Or…
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Spring’s Potential – Things To Enjoy

Spring’s Potential – Things To Enjoy

Lifestyle, Nature
Spring has always been my favourite season. What I love about Spring! Fresh air! During winter we stay warm by covering up and staying indoors with windows closed to keep out the freezing cold. It's a treat in Spring to step outside in fewer layers and enjoy a breath of fresh air. The warm winds of change feel delightful as we stroll about. It's exciting and enlivening to smell a natural lovely scent while walking outdoors, lilac blooms are my personal favourite. Spring flowers and all the beautiful greens are a feast for the eyes Trees are budding and their delicate new leaves unfurl in various shades of green with a few reds too! On the ground the bulbs pop up with vibrant blooms and in the woods delicate spring flowers appear.…
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Snowflakes Falling In The Night

Snowflakes Falling In The Night

Nature, Relationships
In recent weeks there's been an ice storm, tons of snow and extreme cold. This week has seemed a breeze as warmer winter temperatures make life easier. Plus when the sun shines it's really quite beautiful outside. This evening while out for a walk I was happy to witness lovely huge snowflakes slowly drifting down from the dark sky above. My husband laughed as I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue and tried to catch the big fluffy snowflakes. It's fun to feel the cool tingle as the snowflakes instantly melt in your mouth!  What I most appreciated about the snowflakes was the flood of childhood memories that rose up in that very moment. I remembered so many times I had done the exact same thing as a child,…
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