The Struggle with Self-Doubt

The Struggle with Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be a barrier that hinders our growth and success. Recognizing Self-Doubt It's a big challenge for just about all of us. For a long time, I relied on others to boost my self-esteem, and convince me of my worth. Without a sense of our own value and awareness of our abilities, we're stuck in the mud with nowhere to go. If we rely on someone else to tell us we're good, or accept us, where's our own self-assurance foundation? It's important to believe in yourself right out of the gate. If you can't, then you need to learn ways to clear out that garbage, self-doubts, fears, underlying anger, and frustration. Over the years, I've encountered situations where my lack of self-assurance enabled others to take advantage or make…
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Break Free of Constant Grading and Rating

Break Free of Constant Grading and Rating

Healing, Lifestyle
Over the years I have had the pain and pleasure of working with all sorts of teachers. In my area, there are two universities, one college and plenty of elementary to high schools. Some of my aunts were teachers, plus my husband and son are teachers. So, all varieties of teachers have crossed my path, needing to improve their situations and symptoms. Most teachers’ response to anything new is to grade it. It's happened in hundreds of sessions with university and college professors, high school teachers and elementary school teachers. Let’s face it, they are trained for judging in their jobs. Rating and grading the performance of their students makes for a strong habit to rate everything. We All Rate Our Experiences Problems are created by a lack of intuitive…
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Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Food, Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
The foods we eat, do they fill a void or feed our body? How do we analyze what is good or bad for us? Simply put, how do you feel after eating or drinking certain foods? We all have some foods that upset our stomach and our gut. Were you in a hurry and chomped down the food without even noticing its taste or aroma? Hurry, hurry, hurry. We do that a lot, don't we? Were you calm and able to enjoy the meal? Or were you upset and agitated in the middle of an argument? Our stomach and intestines and more all want a peaceful environment. It's like riding over a bumpy road at high speed. Things get jostled around and sometimes they break. Do you want to be…
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When Struggling In Life Do We Rise Up or Give Up?

When Struggling In Life Do We Rise Up or Give Up?

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
  I've been quiet for a while, moving through my own struggles in life. I was living with swelling and pain in my body, have been working it through and learned a lot. I'm on the other side of it now, recovering nicely. Quite thankful on that, but it did make me aware of a lot I had not dealt with. We think that we've looked at everything and healer type people are supposed to be perfect and always healthy. Well, gosh, every one of us has Stuff! Anyone who tells you they've dealt with everything and everything's just fine. Okay, well, they can see. I hope they have, and I hope they are, but there can be some speed bumps come up that you don't expect. Like for me,…
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Find Inner Peace with Fall Clean Up

Find Inner Peace with Fall Clean Up

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature
When you were a child, did you ever get to dive into piles of leaves in Autumn? First of all, the leaves are raked up into a big heaping pile. Then you take a few steps back and run for it. When I was a kid it was a blast, diving through the air, landing in a huge pile of soft, dry leaves. Of course, those leaves got stuck in your hair and clothes, but it was totally worth it! As adults, we don't find it such a blast because we rake leaves to clean up the yard. Sometimes wind slows our efforts, but when we push through and finish, it feels good! Our outdoor mess is cleaned up and our home space looks tidy. Whether outdoors raking leaves or…
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Our Body’s Healing Rhythm

Our Body’s Healing Rhythm

The best time of the day for healing is in the afternoon and night! The Body Has Its Own Healing Rhythm I offer Private sessions in the afternoon and Life Force energy healings at night. This combination gives potential for clients to receive the best results. There’s scientific proof in the Science Daily article - “Our biological clock plays crucial role in healing from surgery: Effectiveness of anti-inflammatories following surgery depends on when you take them” Here’s some of the article: If you have just had knee, shoulder or hip surgery, you may want to take anti-inflammatories in the morning or at noon, but not at night. A McGill-led study shows, for the first time, that circadian clock genes are involved in healing from surgery. Indeed, the researchers demonstrated that…
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Is Struggling With Your Mind Like Swimming Upstream?

Is Struggling With Your Mind Like Swimming Upstream?

Have you ever wondered “How on earth did I get to this place?” It can be a good place or a bad place, but our mind just can’t seem to wrap around the reality in front of us. Struggling with our mind can feel like swimming upstream, against the current When opportunities show up it’s entirely possible for a busy mind to shut them out with doubts and fears for the future. I have made stupid mistakes along my journey when I let my or other people’s doubts stop my progress. Decisions we make from fear and doubt are from our big heads, mind chatter that quickly shuts out new possibilities. We talk ourselves out of potential leaps forward into something lighter and brighter. Worrying is so toxic, stirring the…
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David’s Speedy Concussion Recovery

David’s Speedy Concussion Recovery

Concussions are a serious and unfortunately common injury, especially during the winter months when ice and slippery surfaces increase the risk of falls. I have witnessed first-hand the detrimental effects of concussions on my clients, including dizziness, difficulty concentrating, and debilitating headaches. Walking is great exercise but when the ground slips away, there’s no telling where the body will fall. My own personal experience with concussions hit home when my husband David fell on ice while walking. As a tall man, he went down hard and banged his head on the pavement, making an awful sound like a coconut. When his head hit the hard asphalt, I knew quick action was crucial for a rapid recovery. Some people struggle for months with slow recovery after a concussion. I have seen…
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#1 International Best Seller

#1 International Best Seller

The Role of Biofield Energy Treated Vitamin D3 for Bone Health by Julia Grace McCammon Amazon #1 International Best Seller in Vitamins and Supplements#1 Bestseller in Alternative Health & Vitamins#1 Bestseller in Vitamins#1 Hot New Release in Immune System Diseases#1 Hot New Release in Immune Systems#1 Hot New Release in Nutrition of Vitamins and Supplements I am grateful to Guruji Mahendra Trivedi and Trivedi Effect™ Always consult with a professional for medical advice. Shop Services
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Is What We Believe in Life Really True?

Is What We Believe in Life Really True?

Healing, Relationships
We are taught many early truths by family, unfortunately their wisdom isn’t always best for our success. A childhood moment that strongly affected me was my father’s words after viewing my excellent report card. “98? Why didn’t you get 100?” These few words had great power, along with negative comments and events that chipped away at my self-confidence. Dad was repeating his experience as youngest in the family. As parents our job is not to break the spirit of our children, nor is it to fill their heads with delusions and expectations. When we begin adult life feeling worthless and lacking confidence, how do we believe in our self and trust others? Starting off on the wrong foot is brutal, I’ve been there. Determined to break from my father’s rule,…
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Our Struggle with Falling Asleep and Sleep Quality

Our Struggle with Falling Asleep and Sleep Quality

How many people have an easy time falling asleep at night? Having trouble with sleep is a common problem most people just live with. Sleeping when we want seems normal for a few, but most of us have challenges with sleep. My husband is blessed with the ability to sleep when he chooses, falling asleep in minutes, like a light switch on and off! There are lots of suggestions available for falling sleep such as: Be smart about what and when you eat Manage exposure to light and bright screens Have better bedtime habits Sleep or lack of sleep can lift us up or pull us down Troubling thoughts can repeat in our heads, keeping us awake worrying for hours in the night, so there isn’t much energy left in…
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Awareness & Perception – Being Sensitive is Not a Weakness

Awareness & Perception – Being Sensitive is Not a Weakness

Awareness and perception are our early warning system and a good thing to strengthen more and more. It’s not a weakness being sensitive to the energy around us and notice what we feel. At first it can be unsettling to notice you are not feeling comfortable in a situation. It can happen anywhere, at a public event, a family gathering, at work or at home. Have you ever felt tired at the end a telephone call? We can be affected by the people in our surroundings, we may get stressed out and stirred up in any location. I have always been very sensitive to the people and energy around me so being crammed in a crowd is not my favourite place. The good news is after suffering with low energy,…
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Ordering Holistic Healing Energy for our Body and Getting what We Want

Ordering Holistic Healing Energy for our Body and Getting what We Want

Healing, Lifestyle
A while ago during a telephone session, a wise client said This type of work is holistic healing. It is not a matter of ordering 500 mg of energy to be applied to a specific spot. This comment makes so much sense as I encounter clients who believe they can control every aspect of their life. Holistic healing energy, Life force energy, Biofield energy healing, energy of consciousness, whatever name you choose, is beyond our little mind’s control. This intelligent healing energy knows where we need it most and the best order for our body to receive such powerful energy boosting. Are you looking to order up and get exactly what you want? This is not fast food or an instant app. You can’t order 500 ml of energy and…
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Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
In life we all go through good and bad times, but our accumulation of emotional trauma can really mess with our Body, Mind and Spirit. We doubt our first thoughts and hold back from acting, later realizing we could have saved pain, misery and regret. It can be an endless loop of thoughts talking us out of what we know is true, preventing us from taking action. We doubt ourselves so much that we let others lead the way when we are the very person who needs to lead! I lived this again and again, alternating between sticking my neck out to speak the truth and holding back to avoid consequences. It’s an unfortunate state to be in, fighting with yourself while your Spirit knows the truth. So what happens…
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Answering Healing Sessions Questions

Answering Healing Sessions Questions

Healing, Relationships
New clients often ask what methods are used in sessions. Since 2004 I have studied and been certified in many healing methods and modalities. They may assist with tracking information about a situation, but are simply tools to help pinpoint weak areas and influences. No tools are ever used during Life Force energy healings. If a person puts time and effort into preparing a tasty stew, do you credit the knife used to cut the vegetables? The cook has the recipe, brings fresh ingredients and determines the best combination to produce a wonderful stew. The cook creates potential, and takes action as the stew receives energy for best outcome. As this flow of energy continues, the mixture transforms into a delicious meal! Divine guidance and Life Force energy flow within…
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Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
On a trip home from Ottawa, an experience reminded me of the importance of caring. My husband and I had stopped at a comfort station along highway 401 near Toronto. It was a busy Sunday evening with lots of traffic, so lots of people in the restaurants and bathrooms. Upon entering the washroom area, a loud sound of rushing water came roaring all the way down the long row of bathroom stalls. I couldn’t tell where the water noise was coming from but it sounded like a toilet stuck in flush mode. Maintaining our clean water supply is important, so I naturally started looking for the cause. As I walked by each stall it became clear the culprit was the end toilet. I looked in and saw gallons of water…
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3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
As we move through life it's incredible how often we are tested and struggle with trying to assist or simply letting go. The truth is we can create more problems by jumping in and trying to help out, take it from me. Especially with the folks we care about, our children, our partner, our parents, friends and clients. I was always willing to jump in and help but I have finally learned a huge lesson. You can never fix what people aren't willing to change No matter how much we desire to help another person, the choice to take action or not will always be with them. Here are three ways I determine how much a person with problems, issues or complaints really wants to improve. 1. Are they taking responsibility for their part in problems? Or…
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Simply Speak Truth, It’s Better For All

Simply Speak Truth, It’s Better For All

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
I recently learned the meaning of a S*** Sandwich! OK call me naive (my kids often do) but I hadn’t heard the term before. A dear friend and client explained it to me the other day and I laughed so hard!! Many awkward situations I’ve experienced suddenly made sense! Times when people were saying nice things to me and yet it felt fake and untrue. They were not being genuine, unable to express their feelings and speak truth. Hearing that people actually plan how they will say the unpopular truth by wrapping it in something nice before and after - OMG seriously?! Say it Directly and Speak Truth, it's Better for All Adding a fake wrapper before and after doesn’t feel good for anyone, it actually feels like crap! Many…
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