Feeling Different?  Enjoy “Let It Go” from Frozen

Feeling Different? Enjoy “Let It Go” from Frozen

Lifestyle, Relationships
I've been feeling different and rather alone in many circumstances since I was a child. Many people don't appreciate a person who's different. Instead they mock, bully and try to control the bright, innocent and caring individuals who are just a little different from themselves. These experiences create sadness that goes very deep and makes life seem an uphill journey. I recently watched the movie "Frozen" and was blown away by the song "Let It Go". Tears streamed down my cheeks as I listened and I knew it must be shared. For all the "different" folks in the world, enjoy this amazing song and be yourself! The information provided on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice.
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Recent Learning with Matrix Energetics

Recent Learning with Matrix Energetics

Healing, Lifestyle
Last month I was in Chicago for a couple of Matrix Energetics seminars. Every seminar has at least one new piece of information I am happy to receive. On this trip I learned a different way of viewing and mapping particular issues and checking the body’s chakras. After using this tool since returning, I’m liking the results and great feedback as shifts are happening for clients.  If you’d like to experience this addition to my toolbox  Shop Services The information provided on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice.
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Snowflakes Falling In The Night

Snowflakes Falling In The Night

Nature, Relationships
In recent weeks there's been an ice storm, tons of snow and extreme cold. This week has seemed a breeze as warmer winter temperatures make life easier. Plus when the sun shines it's really quite beautiful outside. This evening while out for a walk I was happy to witness lovely huge snowflakes slowly drifting down from the dark sky above. My husband laughed as I opened my mouth, stuck out my tongue and tried to catch the big fluffy snowflakes. It's fun to feel the cool tingle as the snowflakes instantly melt in your mouth!  What I most appreciated about the snowflakes was the flood of childhood memories that rose up in that very moment. I remembered so many times I had done the exact same thing as a child,…
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Valentine’s – Loving Hearts All Year

Valentine’s – Loving Hearts All Year

Valentine's Day has come and gone for another year. It's a fun occasion allowing us to share our love with the people we care about. Maybe we should consider feeling and sharing this love throughout the year, not just on February 14th. It is important for each of us to know we are loved It brings joy and happiness for the sharing. For others it can make the difference between living and dying, just knowing there is someone who loves them unconditionally. All the candy, cards and flowers are fun, but it's the loving gestures and feelings shared that make us all light up with love! Keep your heart open Show your feelings, love your partner, children, relatives, friends and especially yourself! Shop Services The information provided on this blog…
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Sadness – It’s Not Always Easy

Sadness – It’s Not Always Easy

Healing, Lifestyle
Sadness and depression can take hold and keep us in such a stuck place. We may feel apart, alone and disconnected from the rest of the world. Sometimes we find ourselves in what feels like a hopeless situation. As we swirl around in a sea of doubt and discouraged self-talk, the sad dark place we are in seems impossible to escape. We cannot see the many other possibilities right in front of us. Want to clear the dark fog of sadness and depression? I am so glad to assist those in need with clearing sadness, painful experiences and various symptoms. Find out more at the Sessions Info page. As clients feel lighter and brighter, overwhelming situations get moving forward and their lives' improve.  When we see these situations for what they truly…
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A Fly in the Bedroom

A Fly in the Bedroom

Lifestyle, Relationships
Ever experienced a night with a fly buzzing around your bedroom - it's nagging bzzz around your head wakes you up throughout the night? I recently survived such a night - kept debating whether to simply get up and kill the darned thing (and wake my sleeping husband) or hope it would settle down so I'd sleep. Letting the fly live didn't work out so well, it was a long night! But you know I think there's a lesson in it! Sometimes we have to take action, even if others aren't going to appreciate what we're doing. Good luck with your doing!
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