Navigating the Depths of Parental Grief

Navigating the Depths of Parental Grief

Healing, Relationships
The loss of a child brings a depth of sorrow. I see the immense struggle parents face in moving forward after child loss. The journey through grief is deeply personal and challenging, especially when it involves the unimaginable loss of a son or daughter. Overcoming grief and sorrow is a huge task for parents who have lost a child at any age. The emotional trauma that accompanies such a loss can often prolong the grieving process, creating a heavy burden. It's like carrying an anchor that keeps pulling you back into the depths of sadness, making it difficult to see a way out. The Lingering Effects of Grief The emotional trauma that lingers after such a loss can manifest in various ways, impacting relationships, mental health, and overall well-being. Despite…
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Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Food, Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
The foods we eat, do they fill a void or feed our body? How do we analyze what is good or bad for us? Simply put, how do you feel after eating or drinking certain foods? We all have some foods that upset our stomach and our gut. Were you in a hurry and chomped down the food without even noticing its taste or aroma? Hurry, hurry, hurry. We do that a lot, don't we? Were you calm and able to enjoy the meal? Or were you upset and agitated in the middle of an argument? Our stomach and intestines and more all want a peaceful environment. It's like riding over a bumpy road at high speed. Things get jostled around and sometimes they break. Do you want to be…
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Our Body’s Healing Rhythm

Our Body’s Healing Rhythm

The best time of the day for healing is in the afternoon and night! The Body Has Its Own Healing Rhythm I offer Private sessions in the afternoon and Life Force energy healings at night. This combination gives potential for clients to receive the best results. There’s scientific proof in the Science Daily article - “Our biological clock plays crucial role in healing from surgery: Effectiveness of anti-inflammatories following surgery depends on when you take them” Here’s some of the article: If you have just had knee, shoulder or hip surgery, you may want to take anti-inflammatories in the morning or at noon, but not at night. A McGill-led study shows, for the first time, that circadian clock genes are involved in healing from surgery. Indeed, the researchers demonstrated that…
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Finding Our Purpose In Life

Finding Our Purpose In Life

Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
Finding Purpose In Life - What am I here to do? As humans we often struggle with our purpose. As we try to figure out what our purpose in life is, we can get more tangled in our thoughts. Knowing what you are meant to do doesn’t come from our mind thinking and analyzing. Our spirit knows the answer but usually we are so disconnected we can’t hear that inner voice of knowing. When we stop constantly being in our heads, there are opportunities to listen and hear our own inner guidance system. Ever had the feeling when you just knew something was right to do? Those are moments when you are letting your spirit lead, not your mind and brain. Our mind is super useful at other times, but…
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Is What We Believe in Life Really True?

Is What We Believe in Life Really True?

Healing, Relationships
We are taught many early truths by family, unfortunately their wisdom isn’t always best for our success. A childhood moment that strongly affected me was my father’s words after viewing my excellent report card. “98? Why didn’t you get 100?” These few words had great power, along with negative comments and events that chipped away at my self-confidence. Dad was repeating his experience as youngest in the family. As parents our job is not to break the spirit of our children, nor is it to fill their heads with delusions and expectations. When we begin adult life feeling worthless and lacking confidence, how do we believe in our self and trust others? Starting off on the wrong foot is brutal, I’ve been there. Determined to break from my father’s rule,…
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Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
In life we all go through good and bad times, but our accumulation of emotional trauma can really mess with our Body, Mind and Spirit. We doubt our first thoughts and hold back from acting, later realizing we could have saved pain, misery and regret. It can be an endless loop of thoughts talking us out of what we know is true, preventing us from taking action. We doubt ourselves so much that we let others lead the way when we are the very person who needs to lead! I lived this again and again, alternating between sticking my neck out to speak the truth and holding back to avoid consequences. It’s an unfortunate state to be in, fighting with yourself while your Spirit knows the truth. So what happens…
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3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

3 Healing ways for Seeing the Truth and Letting Go

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
As we move through life it's incredible how often we are tested and struggle with trying to assist or simply letting go. The truth is we can create more problems by jumping in and trying to help out, take it from me. Especially with the folks we care about, our children, our partner, our parents, friends and clients. I was always willing to jump in and help but I have finally learned a huge lesson. You can never fix what people aren't willing to change No matter how much we desire to help another person, the choice to take action or not will always be with them. Here are three ways I determine how much a person with problems, issues or complaints really wants to improve. 1. Are they taking responsibility for their part in problems? Or…
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5 Things I’ve learned about Allergies and Asthma

5 Things I’ve learned about Allergies and Asthma

Healing, Lifestyle
  Over the years I have witnessed many improvements in clients suffering with allergies and asthma. Their progress can be life-changing and it's great to see! Here are some common elements that consistently need attention to lessen the severity of allergies and asthma symptoms: We look at what’s triggering the stuffiness, sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes. It gets interesting as we uncover what bothers a person and what they have weaknesses for. For example do they have a weakness to Ragweed, being outdoors or fields of flowers (yes, that was an actual weakness for a client who no longer suffers from annual Ragweed symptoms)? What sensations are they experiencing? Discomfort, itching, irritation (this one can be physical or non-physical - so who or what irritates us?!) and the list goes…
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