Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Do Foods We Eat Fill A Void Or Feed Our Body?

Food, Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
The foods we eat, do they fill a void or feed our body? How do we analyze what is good or bad for us? Simply put, how do you feel after eating or drinking certain foods? We all have some foods that upset our stomach and our gut. Were you in a hurry and chomped down the food without even noticing its taste or aroma? Hurry, hurry, hurry. We do that a lot, don't we? Were you calm and able to enjoy the meal? Or were you upset and agitated in the middle of an argument? Our stomach and intestines and more all want a peaceful environment. It's like riding over a bumpy road at high speed. Things get jostled around and sometimes they break. Do you want to be…
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Is Struggling With Your Mind Like Swimming Upstream?

Is Struggling With Your Mind Like Swimming Upstream?

Have you ever wondered “How on earth did I get to this place?” It can be a good place or a bad place, but our mind just can’t seem to wrap around the reality in front of us. Struggling with our mind can feel like swimming upstream, against the current When opportunities show up it’s entirely possible for a busy mind to shut them out with doubts and fears for the future. I have made stupid mistakes along my journey when I let my or other people’s doubts stop my progress. Decisions we make from fear and doubt are from our big heads, mind chatter that quickly shuts out new possibilities. We talk ourselves out of potential leaps forward into something lighter and brighter. Worrying is so toxic, stirring the…
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Finding Our Purpose In Life

Finding Our Purpose In Life

Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
Finding Purpose In Life - What am I here to do? As humans we often struggle with our purpose. As we try to figure out what our purpose in life is, we can get more tangled in our thoughts. Knowing what you are meant to do doesn’t come from our mind thinking and analyzing. Our spirit knows the answer but usually we are so disconnected we can’t hear that inner voice of knowing. When we stop constantly being in our heads, there are opportunities to listen and hear our own inner guidance system. Ever had the feeling when you just knew something was right to do? Those are moments when you are letting your spirit lead, not your mind and brain. Our mind is super useful at other times, but…
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Awareness & Perception – Being Sensitive is Not a Weakness

Awareness & Perception – Being Sensitive is Not a Weakness

Awareness and perception are our early warning system and a good thing to strengthen more and more. It’s not a weakness being sensitive to the energy around us and notice what we feel. At first it can be unsettling to notice you are not feeling comfortable in a situation. It can happen anywhere, at a public event, a family gathering, at work or at home. Have you ever felt tired at the end a telephone call? We can be affected by the people in our surroundings, we may get stressed out and stirred up in any location. I have always been very sensitive to the people and energy around me so being crammed in a crowd is not my favourite place. The good news is after suffering with low…
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Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Emotional Trauma may cause Pain and Suffering in our Physical Body

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
In life we all go through good and bad times, but our accumulation of emotional trauma can really mess with our Body, Mind and Spirit. We doubt our first thoughts and hold back from acting, later realizing we could have saved pain, misery and regret. It can be an endless loop of thoughts talking us out of what we know is true, preventing us from taking action. We doubt ourselves so much that we let others lead the way when we are the very person who needs to lead! I lived this again and again, alternating between sticking my neck out to speak the truth and holding back to avoid consequences. It’s an unfortunate state to be in, fighting with yourself while your Spirit knows the truth. So what happens…
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Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Are We Really Caring or Do We Pretend to Care?

Healing, Lifestyle, Nature, Relationships
On a trip home from Ottawa, an experience reminded me of the importance of caring. My husband and I had stopped at a comfort station along highway 401 near Toronto. It was a busy Sunday evening with lots of traffic, so lots of people in the restaurants and bathrooms. Upon entering the washroom area, a loud sound of rushing water came roaring all the way down the long row of bathroom stalls. I couldn’t tell where the water noise was coming from but it sounded like a toilet stuck in flush mode. Maintaining our clean water supply is important, so I naturally started looking for the cause. As I walked by each stall it became clear the culprit was the end toilet. I looked in and saw gallons of water…
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Simply Speak Truth, It’s Better For All

Simply Speak Truth, It’s Better For All

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
I recently learned the meaning of a S*** Sandwich! OK call me naive (my kids often do) but I hadn’t heard the term before. A dear friend and client explained it to me the other day and I laughed so hard!! Many awkward situations I’ve experienced suddenly made sense! Times when people were saying nice things to me and yet it felt fake and untrue. They were not being genuine, unable to express their feelings and speak truth. Hearing that people actually plan how they will say the unpopular truth by wrapping it in something nice before and after - OMG seriously?! Say it Directly and Speak Truth, it's Better for All Adding a fake wrapper before and after doesn’t feel good for anyone, it actually feels like crap! Many…
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Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

Healing, Lifestyle, Relationships
Again and again I hear how much clients want to change. They want to stop feeling stuck and clear the anxiety, sadness and stress in their lives. Often we're ready to say "heck yes!" but when the time comes we pull back. Important moments when we make a choice - to go forward or slip back into familiar patterns we're used to. I see all of the potential of a person in front of me. It's sad to watch some clients shrink back as they get close to breaking through to their next level of confidence and awareness. Most of us want joy and happiness in our lives, right? Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our stories of what went wrong we cannot see a choice to change. Or we…
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Jim Carrey speech: Living Life in Love or Fear

Jim Carrey speech: Living Life in Love or Fear

Lifestyle, Relationships
Listen to Jim Carrey in this video with wisdom and great nuggets about living your life fully. His speech is inspirational and makes a lot of sense! Fear is going to be a player in your life but you get to decide how much He says "all there will ever be is what's happening here, in the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality...You can fail at what you don't want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love!" Risk Being Seen in All of Your Glory! Powerful when he says: Hope Walks Through the Fire and Faith Leaps Over It Starts about 10 minutes into…
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Spring’s Potential – Things To Enjoy

Spring’s Potential – Things To Enjoy

Lifestyle, Nature
Spring has always been my favourite season. What I love about Spring! Fresh air! During winter we stay warm by covering up and staying indoors with windows closed to keep out the freezing cold. It's a treat in Spring to step outside in fewer layers and enjoy a breath of fresh air. The warm winds of change feel delightful as we stroll about. It's exciting and enlivening to smell a natural lovely scent while walking outdoors, lilac blooms are my personal favourite. Spring flowers and all the beautiful greens are a feast for the eyes Trees are budding and their delicate new leaves unfurl in various shades of green with a few reds too! On the ground the bulbs pop up with vibrant blooms and in the woods delicate spring flowers appear.…
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Feeling Different?  Enjoy “Let It Go” from Frozen

Feeling Different? Enjoy “Let It Go” from Frozen

Lifestyle, Relationships
I've been feeling different and rather alone in many circumstances since I was a child. Many people don't appreciate a person who's different. Instead they mock, bully and try to control the bright, innocent and caring individuals who are just a little different from themselves. These experiences create sadness that goes very deep and makes life seem an uphill journey. I recently watched the movie "Frozen" and was blown away by the song "Let It Go". Tears streamed down my cheeks as I listened and I knew it must be shared. For all the "different" folks in the world, enjoy this amazing song and be yourself! The information provided on this blog is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Always consult with a professional for medical advice.
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Sadness – It’s Not Always Easy

Sadness – It’s Not Always Easy

Healing, Lifestyle
Sadness and depression can take hold and keep us in such a stuck place. We may feel apart, alone and disconnected from the rest of the world. Sometimes we find ourselves in what feels like a hopeless situation. As we swirl around in a sea of doubt and discouraged self-talk, the sad dark place we are in seems impossible to escape. We cannot see the many other possibilities right in front of us. Want to clear the dark fog of sadness and depression? I am so glad to assist those in need with clearing sadness, painful experiences and various symptoms. Find out more at the Sessions Info page. As clients feel lighter and brighter, overwhelming situations get moving forward and their lives' improve.  When we see these situations for what they truly…
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